our songs

Monday, March 2, 2009

Its not a big thing when im not around..

Guys im sorry if aku buat kamu bolah,aher masuk class,inda focus on studies, palying around and kana marah oleh lectures. maybe thats what they see arah ku, lansung inda pernah terlintas arah hati ku kan buat kamu catu, aku mau buat kamu happy saja, so since i got banned from going to college kamu must behave aa,show to lcb`s admin that,if aku nada kamu semua inda bolah, and biar tia all the blame on me,biar tia they ucap aku buat kamu bolah, asal dorang puas hati.

And i really really want to see kamu punya dress up day punya gambar =..) must lawa lawa aa!! and pictures yang lain jua. Iman,qew,zati and amal must bawa camera and and gambar gambar heheh so ada jua ku kan liat d rumah =..) i know i feel jelous plang couse aku nada dalam gambarss but yeah i know who i am now and i have to understand. im going to miss kamu semua,miss ketawa ketawa sama kamu,miss take pictures sama kamu, miss cerita cerita sama kamu, miss makan sama kamu. i know plang mun ganya kana banned from college inda jua berapa, masih dapat jumpa kamu d luar, but for me di college is where me dapat bejumpa kamu semua, some of us payah jumpa d luar or mybe d luar time for jumpa bf and gf, thats why i love go college. but.. who cares aku d college kah inda kah nada jua ada papa kan hehe still the same jua =D

owh yeah thats why this few days aku diam diam and abit kusut, couse i can feel like something bad coming towards me, i can see ppl around me mcm lain baa liat aku aa, mcm aku buat salah.. and.. this is it! =D

Thats all from me guys love kamu semua berabis,kamu semua is more then family for me,kamu my friends,family,sweet heart,life and evetything.. =D

lots and lots of love

old - new sabun

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